September 2020 – Businesses Struggling Due To Lockdown Insanity

Labor Day weekend 2020 came with continued difficulties for small and medium-sized businesses throughout the country. Due primarily to tremendous inconsistencies in lockdown policies across various states and municipalities, businesses are facing continued uncertainty and additional costs, as well as stifled ability for customers to access the products and services that those same businesses are trying to provide and have provided for years. To a large degree, these products and services are important and consumer demand for them is high, whether or not they meet the arbitrary standard of being “essential”, as determined by a local or state government official.

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Phil Kain
September 2020 - Providing (Ill)-Liquidity?

Now a good four months into the “Coronavirus Economy” the Fed has made it its mission to avoid prior recession pitfalls by creating a middle-market credit program (aka the Main Street Lending Program) to encourage lending for small businesses. The Fed’s attempt to provide liquidity to the middle-market is noble; responding to criticism for the Federal Government to provide more equitable solutions to small businesses hammered by economic stress. This idealism is met with the harsh realities that middle-market lending does not operate like the large corporate and government credit markets.

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Jeffrey Quinlan